Trap-Neuter-Return Assistance
Most towns on Long Island have vibrant and successful TNR programs in place to assist residents with TNR requests. Should you be in need of assistance, your first step would be to contact your Town or Village. As HUG is located in Nassau County, New York, contact information below is for our immediate area:
This small all-volunteer nonprofit 501(c)3 cat rescue (NOT a shelter or vet) mission is to improve the lives of feral and stray street cats through TNR and rescue.
To promote the practice of TNR and help NYC caretakers get their community cats fixed, Neighborhood Cats is offering financial assistance for spay/neuter surgeries. The amount of funding will be determined on a case-by-case basis at the sole discretion of Neighborhood Cats.
If you are experienced in TNR and would like to partner with us, please contact one of our feral coordinators:
For colonies in Bronx and Queens contact tobyrescue@yahoo.com.
For colonies in Brooklyn, Staten Island, or Manhattan contact petden19@verizon.net.
Town of Glen Cove
The City of Glen Cove has approved funding for a TNR program. The shelter can provide traps to catch feral cats for scheduled neutering days, but note that the feral cats will not be allowed to stay at the shelter. They will be returned and released to the location where found.
Town of Hempstead
The Town of Hempstead TNR Program will accept drop-offs for TNR surgeries for cats trapped within the Town of Hempstead. Contact the TOH Animal shelter for details.
Town of Huntington
Town of Huntington Cat Shelter
The Town of Huntington Cat Shelter is located at 104 Deposit Rd, East Northport, NY. Huntington Cat Shelter is committed to controlling the colony size and overpopulation of feral cats. Residents of the Town of Huntington are eligible for certificates for free spay and neuter of feral cats.
Town of North Hempstead
Town of North Hempstead TNR Program
(516) 869-6311
TONH has a free trap-neuter-return program for its residents. Humane traps are lent to residents who bring the cats in on a designated date to be spayed or neutered, vaccinated, and ear-tipped. Residents pick up the cat(s) after surgery and return them to their original colony after holding them for a small recuperation period. Currently, spay/neuter clinics are scheduled once a month. The TONH also has a contract with a certified humane trapper for those requiring assistance. If you need assistance with feral cats in your neighborhood, please call (516) 869-6311 and fill out a service request. Someone from the feral cat program will contact you.
Town of Oyster Bay
Town of Oyster Bay TNR Program
The Town of Oyster Bay Animal Shelter, which is located at 150 Miller Place, Syosset, NY, is open Monday through Saturday from 8 AM–4 PM. In an effort to control the population and health of feral cats within the Town of Oyster Bay, the town recently installed its own trap-neuter-return surgical facility.
Trap-Neuter-Return Training Workshops
Becoming TNR certified is a purrfect way to find amazing kitty resources. It’s free and easy.
244 Fifth Avenue, Ste. 222
New York, NY 10001